• Inspire Impact Coaching

    Do you remember this scene from the movie The Holiday?

    Arthur says: Iris,in the movies we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason you are behaving like the best friend.

    Iris : You're so right. You're supposed to be the leading lady of your own life, for god's sake!

    I remember it so clearly when I first watched that scene. It struck a cord. Up until that point. I think I had been living my life on autopilot and in that moment, I realised that I wanted to be in charge of my own life, I wanted to make an impact, I wanted to be the leading lady!


    Impact can mean so many different things to so many different people. What area of your life do you want to make an impact in? Are there any areas of your life that you are feeling unfilfilled in>

    Studies show that while women are motivated by salary and title, they are also motivated by impact. They want to know that the work they are doing is making an impact. It is not just a job.


    If you are looking for inspiration on how to make an impact, you have come to the right person. Naureen realised that in every role that she has had whether it was working in F&B, revenue, data, marketing and now gender balance, she was always motivated by the impact she was making.


    Naureen's current mission of gender balance means that she hopes that every woman is making a contribution to this cause through the work that they do. You do not have to be the CEO to do this, we each can make an impact in our corner of the world. It could be having the courage to speak up at your next meeting, courage to apply for that job that you might not have gone after in the past, courage to bookthat retreat for yourself and be unapologetic about it, this list could go on…


    The point is, Naureen wants us to all embrace being the 'leading ladies' of our lives and set examples for each other, inspire each other, support each other, grow together.


    Book a free call with Naureen to find out if she is the right coach to inspire you.


  • Book a free call with Naureen today to find out if you need inspiration to make an impact.

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    Book time with Naureen

    Book time with Naureen

    Do you want to know if you have what it takes to become a leader for our industry? Are you also motivated by gender balance in hospitality? Find out if Naureen can help you achieve your career goals. Book in a free 30 min slot with Naureen
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    Event time zone:Europe/Madrid GMT+02:00
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  • Impact of Coaching with Naureen

    “My coaching sessions have been a really rewardingexperience that helped me progress both professionally and personally. Through
    specific exercises, listening and asking key questions, Naureen challenged me to make things change and to create my own solutions”– Lucie

    “I took coaching sessions with Naureen to discuss my next career steps.. Through discussions and writing down my personal goals, I was able to crystallize what my next steps should be”.– Nicole


    “Naureen created a safe space for me to open up andchallenge myself to think about a subject I prefer to ignore. She helped me make a decision that was correct for me and my career." – Bianca

    “Having Naureen as my career coach was truly a privilege. Thanks to her guidance, I now feel more confident and focused in my career pursuits.”– Tien


    “Working with Naureen as my coach was a transformative experience, contributing significantly to my overall growth. Naureen's engaging and supportive approach fostered an environment where I felt both personally and professionally developed” - Nia