Milica Simon

· Podcast

On this episode we hear from Milica, whom I know as Mili for nearly 20 years when we first started university in Switzerland. Her first exposure to hospitality was during an exchange program to the US when she was 14 and the host family also ran an inn, where all the children would help out in. After graduating she wanted to learn her fifth language, Russian, which took her to Moscow where she then stayed for several years working with JLL She shares her experiences of the Russian culture and the people she met. Eventually, she felt the pull for home and moved back to Vienna where she lives today with her family. She started her second career in finance with several hotel companies both large and small. Like me, she likes the numbers and the stories they tell. Most importantly she values the connections she has with her team, inspiring female role models who have supported her career and a supportive partner that has given her the confidence when she needed it.


Link to her podcast episode here .