Sima Patel

· Podcast

On this episode we hear from Sima. She married into hospitality and never looked back. The most heart warming theme throughout this episode is the support she had from her husband and his family, especially her father-in-law, to have a career, grow, learn, develop herself and most importantly believe in herself. They were the ones who encouraged her to take the board positions, when she first said no. Once her and her husband starting building hotels, she became the driving force to construct and operate more hotels. She would take care of the operations and her husband the development. Now with their son on board, her role has shifted to being more advisory and strategic capacity and that has allowed her to spend time giving back to the hospitality industry that gave her a career. She serves on boards, she is the role model for Indian women businesses leaders across America and still taking an active role in the family business. Her lessons are say 'yes' and speak up.


Link to her podcast episode here.