Sumi Soorian

· Podcast

On this episode we hear from Sumi. Her skill sets are in marketing and business management, which are highly transferable and she has taken it with her to every industry she has worked in. Such as publishing, telecommunication, international education and now tourism and hospitality. Needless to say she has a favourite and said she has met the best people in tourism and hospitality, and had the most fun. She took time off when she had kids, and when she came back to the workforce she returned part time, which gave her that cushioned return. Another key to her success was having a supportive and understanding boss, who understood her needs and gave her the flexibility, provided she met her KPIs. Having this flexibility meant that she was determined to do well and be successful in her career. We discussed how events have evolved, both during and after covid and how our public speaking journey was like. She believes that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything.


Link to her podcast episode here.