Why do I organise events?

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Why do I organise events?

🤩 Yesterday I had my last event of the year. Inspire Roundtable in Barcelona at Juno House. The feeling of being at the table with a group of women sharing our experiences from our careers is that of pride. Just amazed by the incredible talent at each table, room, event. Gives me hope for
our future in the workplace.

💌 What I have realised over the years is that youneed someone like me to organise and bring women together. It does not happen organically. We also need that safe space to bring our thoughts, ideas and
inspiration to each other.

❤️ These events also are fostering a culture of#womensupportingwomen. Together we will grow in our careers


🌏 So how do I organise these events around theworld? So far 24 in 10 cities over the past 2.5 years.

🏔 First is of course travel, mostly by plane andsometimes by train. But I have also helped organised 3 events in 2024 where I was not present with the support of the community

🏔 Second, I engage the support of the community. Inevery location I have been to there is someone from the Inspire Community who will be engaged in the preparation.

🏔 Third, I attend industry events to expand mynetwork and talk about the work I am doing. Then a few weeks later I will organise an event and invite those whom I have recently. This immediately
allows for that connection to deepen further.

🏔 Fourth, I use LinkedIn and check who I amconnected with in that location. Both women and men to share details of the event and extend invitations.

🏔 Fifth, I leverage the EHL alumni network. With astamm present in 150 countries there is a network that I can tap into to extend invitation to the events I organise.

What is the impact?

🔦 Exposure. Being exposed to one another at theevent and connect. Being exposed to learnings from guest speakers and fellow attendees. Post event socials and newsletter follow up creates exposure in the industry. Which brings us back to visibility.

I have two questions for you?

1. Have you attended one of my events before?

2. Would you like me to organise one in your city?

🙋‍♀️ If you answered yes, to either of these questions,get in touch. I want to hear from you!